Daily Church Bible Verse

John 14:17
The Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Lol...Haven't blogged in a long time...

As usual, I have not blogged in almost a month in which I had originally promised to blog over winter break but it just never happened. EPIC FAIL FTW… lol

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Quote of the Day

“After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.”

Finals are coming.....NOOOOOO!!!

Finals are coming...and I'm definitely feeling the pressure. But at least, in a few weeks, winter break will be here and I'll have 3 weeks of freedom from a constant pile of work to do. :) But until then, I will not be able to blog since studying is a priority... :( I will resume when winter break begins and I will finally blog about this past summer fun, which has been long awaited and share many of the awesome pictures I took.

Quote of the Day

It’s much easier to turn a friendship into love, than love into friendship. ~Proverb

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Forgotten Networking...

This seems to be my trend. Join a networking site, write one post, and then never revisit it until the day (several months later) I remember that I had signed up for one to begin with……. Maybe I’ll post loads of stuff during winter break. I still have to post a bunch of pictures from over this past summer. I’m so bad at this stuff….

Friday, July 23, 2010

Smile, You Korean Drama

Synopsis: Seo Jung In (Lee Min Jung) is the second daughter of a chaebol family, whose family suddenly meets with financial ruin. She is dumped by her husband, Lee Han Se, after their wedding ceremony when his family finds out about her family's financial problems. Her family is then left with no other alternative but to move in with their longtime chauffeur's family. The once rich and spoiled daughter and her family must now learn how to adjust to life as commoners in the Kang household.

Definitely a worthy drama to watch! I absolutely loved Smile, You. I think I've seen this drama at least 3 times so far and it never gets old. It has a balanced mix of comedy, romance, and tragedy all in one. There are many family plots which makes it all the more interesting to follow. And Lee Min Jung and Jung Kyung Ho did an excellent job in portraying their characters throughout the drama from when their journey began, hatred to love. I just absolutely am a sucker for this couple. lol

Lee Min Jung + Jung Kyung Ho 4ever <333